Core Labs LX-GH Pro is the strongest anabolic preparation on the market, maximally accelerating the development of muscle mass. It contains as many as six components that accelerate protein synthesis, resulting in more substantial muscularity. Combination: Laxosterone, Epistane, Rad-140, LGD-4033, MK-677 and YK reinforced with a strongly antioxidant liver regenerative complex Bio-Complex Support System.
Over 300 mg of anabolic substances in one dose makes it one of the strongest muscle building supplements on the market! The preparation perfectly affects the building of athletic figure, increasing muscle strength.
- The strongest anabolic on the market,
- Promotes a rapid increase in lean body mass,
- Regulates cortisol levels,
- Ideal for muscle mass building with exceptional muscle density and hardness,
- Maximally activates anabolic processes in muscles,
- Has a positive effect on the skeletal system and tendons,
- Allows you to improve exercise indicators.
The unique anabolic potential increases muscle mass without accumulating excessive fat. The use of LX-GH Pro increases training endurance, muscle cell regeneration and decreases cortisol levels in the body. It creates the best conditions for building new muscle structures, eliminating muscle catabolism.
Laxosterone –Â a patented extract derived from the root of Smilax scobinicaulis (5-alpha-hydroxy-laksogenin). Delivered to the human body, it has anabolic androgenic effects. It exhibits anti-catabolic properties by lowering cortisol levels. Thus, it supports the synthesis of muscle tissue proteins and its subsequent protection against degradation. Probably mainly due to interference with thyroid activity, it supports fat loss. In addition, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Epistane – a strong anabolic compound with extremely low side effects attributed to DHT. It primarily affects androgen receptors located in the muscles, giving a signal to create and develop new structures. It is a strong anabolic agent, enabling the development of compact, dry and well-muscled muscles. By reducing body fat and the loss of unnecessary water from the body, it helps to maintain the aesthetic outlines of the male figure. Significantly increases strength, improves libido and well-being. It does not aromatize or show progestagenic effects (it does not cause effects attributed to natural progesterone). Thus, it limits the likelihood of gynecomastia and other side effects caused by the activity of female hormones.
RAD-140 –Â currently the most amazing substance in the world of supplementation, with the greatest potential. The first tests showed that the anabolic properties of the product are able to outweigh even the effects of synthetic testosterone, which is considered the most anabolic doping agent. Most importantly, RAD does not cause side effects that are attributed to testosterone, such as negative effects on the prostate or other internal organs. It is also not accumulated in the body in the form of DHT, which among other things reduces the risk of hair loss. The use of radium 140 leads to increased anabolic processes in the body, moreover, it allows to obtain a higher density and quality of muscle. RAD is also used among athletes not only bodybuilders, but also those for whom important strength is muscle strength, their endurance, as well as improving the overall fitness of the body.
LGD-4033 –Â an effective, selective androgen receptor modulator without a steroid structure. It works by attaching to the androgen receptor, which in turn translates into increased anabolic processes in skeletal muscle, leading to weight gain. It is probably the strongest legal anabolic on the market, discovered in the medical field, where it was used to treat muscle wasting in the fight against various diseases. Despite the relatively low popularity, clinical studies confirm its effectiveness at a relatively low dose, which allows to minimize any side effects of the product. In addition, the results of the research turned out to be amazing, because SARM LGD proved to be more effective than the popular and highly valued in the world ostarine supplementation, which is considered a natural alternative to steroids. The first attempts show the huge potential of this agent, which certainly has a chance to gain much greater recognition and popularity among users. It is intended for everyone who wants to transfer their supplementation to the highest level of sophistication, as well as for those who have already tried everything on the market and are looking for the strongest supplements available on the market.
MK-677 –Â called Ibutamoren, an extremely effective substance administered orally, increasing the secretion of growth hormone. Studies have confirmed that it not only increases the secretion of several hormones but also causes their permanent increase in plasma concentration, which creates an ideal environment for muscle building and fat reduction, even at the same time. As one of the few substances it has proven effective in people to increase muscle mass and bone tissue. Most importantly, it has no effect on cortisol levels, which in no way promotes the increase in muscle catabolism.
YK-11Â – is probably the strongest of all SARMs, works in a very unique way because it affects androgen receptors. In the body, this causes the production of folistatin, which, according to research, is the strongest known inhibitor of myostatin, blocking its action by which significantly raises the limit to which we can expand our muscles. This remedy is ideal for people who want to increase their muscle mass above the natural limits of their body.
Bio-Complex Support System – contains a set of the most effective ingredients with a cleansing and strongly antioxidant effect, protecting the liver from damage. The developed formula prevents the formation of toxic metabolites and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. The complex contains, among others: NAC, tuber, ALA, icarin, grape seed extract, milk thistle extract, liposomal vitamin C. The use of ingredients is aimed at accelerating post-workout regeneration and reducing inflammation caused by overload.
2 capsules a day.
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